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Message: My dream stock,....

I always thought it would have been nice to have been in Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Amazon when they first appeared on the market. So nice if I would have been able to say to friends that I was in Microsoft when they first started marketing Windows.

But to be in a company like RVX, if it works out like we all hope, that dream will be magnified, as it will not only be a huge price increase (as the above stock had), but it will help so many people, with so many illnesses. I look forward to sharing with others 10 years from now when RVX drugs awill be ubiquitous, that I was in RVX stock when the first phase 3 the Top Line Data was announced,... and I still hold a few shares.

But still I have a hard time explaining in a easy to understand way, what epigenetics is and how it works. My most recent example is,... Genes are like the Computer Hardware while epigentics drugs are like the Computer Software.

Anyone else have a great way of explaining in layman's terms what epigentics is and how it works,...?

Just preparing for the future if things work out like we all hope.


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