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Message: Re: And there's the news, 3 month loan extension....

Love this news ... because it falls right in line with the previous landscape and activities, nothing too unusual, weird or strange. The market loves predictablity and so do I ... I also like the continued show of support and confidence from the money people. They are usually ALL ABOUT black & white risk/reward, they don't care about dreams, hopes, and "ifs" & "buts" ...

Inch-worming our way along with HL and Third eye, everyone is protecting their investments and interests, but playing it safe at the same time. Minimal incremental risk, but supporting and protecting the "opportunity" ... 

There is a lot of hard paddling and a whole tedious world going on beneath the water line, but the swan is sitting nice in the water, moving toward top line data, for a harmonic convergence of interests and pay back and pay off hopefully. 

I like it, fits within the overall evolving picture and expected timelines like hand in glove.

... now about that data! 

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