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Message: Re: Data Lock - what does it mean for the BoM study and for investors? ...

 Hey Bear, and anyone else .... Slide 6 states that quarterly DBL's are common now, with some issues and opportunities coming from the practice of quarterly DBL's. One stated benefit is for the sponsor to assess ongoing "effectiveness" and worthiness of continuing the study. I realize it is blinded for specifics, but it seems like a quasi-FA opportunities "built in" as part of a study that is locked quarterly, or at some interval?

Do we know if RVX is doing quarterly locks? If that is the case, seems like an opportunity for we investors to "glean" something from RVX just continuing the study "as is" if doing quarterly DBL's?

Guessing they are NOT doing quarterly DBL's, and NOT getting superficial amalgamated blinded "futility" data? ... or we would probably be talking about it at L-E-N-G-T-H ..... ? 

Sorry if I am being redundant and elementary about DBL ... probably already been discussed at length before I was paying close attention ... with study design and data being so obviously important to us all, and coming soon, this has just popped on my radar in a big way recently. Not that I have any control haha, still just a waiting game for the data, for me ..... in reality.

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