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Message: Re: According to the TMX website there are only 5 million RVX.WT.A oustanding....

Further to the idea of of how many 'A' are in circulation. On April 1, RVX announced that there were 200,307,484 RVX common shares in circulation. On May 15 in the PO pricing NR, they stated that there were 200,329,419 common shares in circulation. I assume that the 21,935 difference is due to some warrants or options being exercised. On June 7 in the PO closing NR, they announced that there were 204,154,455 shares outstanding. If there were no more small exercises of warrants or options, that would mean the actual subscription in the PO was for 3,825,036 units which would generate 267,753 warrants for BB. That would bring the total number of 'A' warrants in the market to 4,092,789. I find it hard to see how there can be 5 million without the PP closing. It is jumping the gun to include those before the PP closes and if it had closed, RVX should have announced it. If RVX issued (to RVX) and listed them, I would think that would also have been a material action that should have been announced. If they are just issued but not listed, they are not available except through a PP or further PO that has not been announced. I personally think the 5 million will be after a PP closes. 

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