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Message: Could BETonMACE Cognition Sub-Study be presented at AAIC this month?

Jupe, agree that it is difficult to imagine that they could have the analysis done in time for a 14 July conference. With the last patient visit done on 12 June and assuming there was at least one MACE event in the two weeks prior to completion of the LPV, even if they paid a fee to have the adjudication done faster it would be a huge stretch to assume they would get this last result, lock the data and have results to present at AAIC.

What is extremely encouraging is that for 2.5ish years RVX basically said nothing at all to anyone about this cognitive sub study and then beginning around Feb/March 2018 they have been singing this song to anyone and everyone. What have they seen to make this such a compelling story that is making them jump out of their jeans to tell the world? This type of behaviour is typical of a kid coming home to tell mom he got a 100% score on his math exam.



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