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Message: Resverlogix’s BETonMACE Phase 3 Epigenetics Trial Completes Final Safety Visits

That’s all well and good Bear, but where is the explanation as to why a non- “consistent” timeline was given by RVX beofre this latest one? Did they have some reason to believe that their time line was going to be different from the norm and arrive a little earlier than most? And, if so, why then and not now? Should not a company like RVX be aware of time lines in relation of other companies? (After all, you just easily provided a bunch of references). How many times do they have to keep messing up time lines before we cut the head off of the snake? (Don’t get me wrong, now is a bad time for that lol)

Im in it to the end. I’ve already gotten out my original investment and then some, so I suspect I am a lot less frustrated by the company’s foul ups than many would be. Perhaps the way we should look at it is the company’s current PPS is “consistent” (or reflective) of a company that continually misses their time lines. 

On a side note... i’ve Always enjoyed September more than most months, and a good trial result would just be another reason to enjoy that month. Perhaps a big rise before this fall. ;)



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