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Message: A question worth asking?

Thinking of Golf's comment vis a vis business value, and the decision not to disclose the engagment of a promotional outfit....it got me to thinking about some of the recent news that has been disclosed.

On July 15 we got news of an article about Apabetalone in Clinical Epigenetics.  Then on Aug 14th news about the recent presentations that were then upcoming at this year's ESC in Paris.

My question is....was disclosure necessary and/or required in these cases? 

Given that neither news item disclosed something that would impact Resverlogix's business value I am thinking not.  After all, Resverlogix isn't in business to get written up in publications or to give presentations at symposiums like the ESC any more than they're in business to talk to some outfit that promotes publicly traded companies.    

I would simply like to see some consistency in corporate communication....paying an outfit to promote the stock just days before announcing a share offering is something I would want to know about.  

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