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Message: M-Triact (Match Now)?

Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I post anything since most of you have it very well covered.  Btw - great job!

I have been around for over 10+ years now and have been long all the way.   I do have a general question, more for curiousity sake:   Over the last few days, an exchange "M-Triact" or whatever they may be has basically begun to trade RVX (previously they were basically non-existant).

Sorry but I can't paste the chart so I will highlight the last 3 days; 

Daily Volume

M-Triact - RVX Sept 24 = 112,513

M-Triact - RVX Sept 23 = 102,664

M-Triact - RVX Sept 22 =   46,932


In doing some further reading and looking into M-Triact,  

I came across this interesting article from the Globe and Mail.



So my question is:   Does anyone have any visability to see if M-Triact was/is a buyer or a seller?

I welcome your thoughts...


Hang on tight!









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