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Message: We may not be dying.

The news was bad, let’s all admit that and I for one have no shame in being sad (or ticked off even). 

I wasn’t holding RVX in the $25 days but I have read about those days from many of you. The one important thing that I took away from those discussions is this: RVX was a speculative buy that was no where close to having a compound or drug close to market. BUT

There are so many biotech companies (especially historically) that have had very inflated share prices because of what MIGHT be. 

So what is the best case scenario here in my opinion? That some very positive data comes out of this failed trial that indicates potential for a marketable drug. Yes, we remain speculative and perhaps go back to phase 2, but as I pointed out above, RVX was there before, and at $25 no less. AND that was on the TSX (don’t get me started about the TSX). Could you imagine what the SP of this company could be if we had a drug in a phase 2 study while listed on the NASDAQ? 

We could climb up there again, but let’s just remember this time to step off the ladder to safety before we get to the top. Any floor above the one we started at is better than laying in the rubble at the bottom (again).



Oct 03, 2019 09:11AM
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