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Message: Exposure in Motley Fool....

,,,,acccchhhhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,our team tells us they/we are bringing apabetalone to market and that is all that matters right now in the present,,,,,,,,,,,,,what the market believes or reacts to is not in anyones control here,,,,,so our professional research people know what data is important and what data aint!!,,,,we are at a level which is more than likely the time to enter or add imo,,,,there comes a point when investing as we are doing here actually becomes the company's resposibility to invest in their shareholders,,,,,,,

,,,,its always been a sore point with me that this BoM trial didnt end in December/17 when it was originally tabled for,,,seems we spent a lot of $$$ proving the trials' time to first occurance in the TLD was a poor way to judge the degree of reduction around chronic inflamation,,,,,,,,,,,just an opinion,,,,,but it makes me want to roll a fat one that out rivals the last fat one,,,,,,,,,,

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