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Message: Re: ASN late breaker and CKD sub-study top-line

fouremm, thanks for the perspective. If I understand it correctly that is sort of the direction that my non scientific thinking is evolving for apabetalone. Perhaps this version of bromodomain and extra terminal inhibition (selective BRD4 target) is a low intensity epigenetic compound, hence tolerable, that we have evidence has a positive impact on at least 6 key biological systems (e.g. reverse cholesterol transport, complement system, glucose, etc). and perhaps improvements in each of these systems caused by apabetalone over the long term will improve various systems like kidney function and the functioning of other organs such that over time (longer than the length of this trial) the probability of MACE events will be reduced and many other benefits will be realized along the journey of treatment. If so then it could have a huge impact on health and health care costs.

Or perhaps,on a different level, apabetalone may have generated statistically significant improvements on 1 of the 3 MACE factors...heart attack, stroke or death...while death would be excellent (reduction I mean) any would do.

Keep in mind that RVX has 1500 compounds to play with so there are years of scientific experimentation and exploration for some company.

I do apologize to the scientific types that I must be giving head aches to and creating frustration for (whoops...2 improperly used prepositions).

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all. It is glorious up here in Muskoka right now.

GLTA - no direction to go but upward I hope!


Oct 11, 2019 03:21PM
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