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Message: Re: AGM agendas - Meetings Oct 31
Oct 10, 2019 09:54AM
Oct 10, 2019 02:05PM

narmac - your comment got me thinking a bit more about Hepalink and Eastern and where they might go with RVX from here.  Obviously they are also waiting on the full data, etc. to come out and that may influence their decisions to some extent.  However, and RVXOT may have a better grid for this since he is more familiar with the numbers, would not their investment to date more or less already be covered by the value of the intellectual property alone?  If the science is deemed worthy of continued development you would think that they could always be recompensated by some larger outfit for what they have risked to date.  If Hepalink does have a considerable amount of debt, what better way out of that then having a large stake in a develpmental drug that could 'one day' reap billions?  If they decide that they no longer want to take that risk then there is probably someone that will take all or a portion of what they have already invested.  Same for Eastern.  But if the upcoming detail suggests that they are getting close to the right mix for APL that will make it commercially viable, and if they have the money to keep it going (which I suspect they probably do) then maybe another year, or two or three isn't as big a deal at this stage as we all think it might be?  I think the thing to keep in mind with financing is that when the payoff is potentially in the multi billions, then what's a few million to get over the goal line?

Oct 10, 2019 07:32PM
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