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Message: Alzheimer's news

I feel almost certain we will have good news (not sure to what degree) that Apabetalone has a positive effect on Dimentia come Dec 5th.

The way DM talked about it during the AGM webcast,.... being just a short wait from AHA Conference to when the CD results will be announced,.... if there was absolutely NOTHING, no positive effecf at all,.... why shine the spotlight on it for the world to see,...  since the bad news of Sept 30,..... hey world here is another example how Apabetalone DOES NOT WORK. I feel certain we have some positive effect,... just not sure to what degree.

Anyone remember when and how it was discovered Apabetalone might have a positive effect on CD,... to motivate them to include it as a large sub group in phase 3 trial,.. ?

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