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Message: This is a Drug for people at the end of their life...CHF and advanced kidney disease...so is Dementia next?

This is a Drug for people at the end of their life...CHF and advanced kidney disease...so is Dementia next?

posted on Nov 18, 2019 09:44AM

The data on congestive heart failure and low eGFR tells you all...that if your loved ones are where medical science simply can't help you, Apabetalone will ride to the rescue. 

Congestive heart failure and advanced kidney disease...but that also suggests that advanced dementia should also benefit from this drug.  After all, Vascular Dementia is just the same stage as CHF and CKD.  Just speculating here...but the signs are awesome!  

Apabetalone continues to advance in a way no one really predicted.  We kicked off 10 years ago, as a roto rooter for everyone's arteries...and seem to have ended up as an advanced stage kidney disease and congestive heart failure drug!  This is almost like a copper exploration company finding a huge gold deposit in their property.


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