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Message: Re: New share price contest for end of year 2019

Are you a professional trader, AC?  Just curious.


I think we have 2 potential paths for the share price here.  First, we wallow in misery around current levels...call it $1.10 to $1.50.   

Second, we start inching higher as the sellers exhaust themselves.  In that case, the path of least resistance is towards $2 and beyond. 

My own bias is now towards inching higher.  We have a clear winner here, from a science point of view.  The FDA must have suggested RVX apply for Breakthrough Therapy...I can't imagine Don McCaffrey and crew doing any such thing without explicit encouragement from the FDA's meeting.  And why not?  The data are so clear cut for CKD.

The fly in today's ointment is Dr Ray suggesting another trial equal to the size we just finished.  But that is the usual path for such drugs...more trials to test out more possibilities.  It kind of cements my take that Apabetalone is truly the next Humira in the making.  This drug will be tested for years and years to come..with more and more diseases being impacted by it.     

So...share price inches higher...we get to Dec 5...share price goes even higher...FDA letter arrives...$5...and then a buyout as potential buyers know exactly what they are getting.

RVX: the best stock to own in the world now!

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