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Message: Biotech Showcase, Jan 13-15

Buck, I'm frustrated as well. But sit back and go for the ride. This science is too exciting.

I believe that BoM failed simply because it was statistically under powered. It generated an 18% RRR and the p was 0.06. Not enough $ or time for the futility analysis. That's life.

I'm still completely convinced that this is breaktrhough science and even if apabetalone is not quite optimal it's going to be proven to be really good IMHO. Then, I remember a post that Paladin did a while back renewing San Frans concept of "star factory". In my opinion this is not simply about a spectfic compound. Yes, it is now. They still have to prove BET inhibition works using apabetalone. However, when that is done, and I believe it will be, and when big money flows in, all gates will open wide in terms of developing this science.

RVX has 1500 compounds and Zenith has another 2500 compounds and is showing some strong proof of concept with zen3694. More importantly they have the scaffolds, processes and experience to construct new compounds and they seem to have a very advanced understanding of important areas of epigenetics.

Anyway, just an opinion from a simple old man.

GLTA. Hang tough.




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