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Message: Re: My favourite Christmas video,..
Dec 25, 2019 08:44AM

Merry Christmas narmac (your perspectives are really sobering and valuable) and thanks everyone for your posts. Perhaps, not next year but by 2023 or sooner we'll be at a breakthrough for sure, IMHO. We would have been there with this trial if not for tremendous financial pressure on Don, hence no futility analysis. The science is incredible. Proof is needed statistically, and that, given the results we've seen, is a matter of sample size or possibly time to generate a higher RRR. I really think it is a sample size issue given what appears to be some good sub-group findings but perhaps some unexpected findings. 

I was not going to post until the new year but the other day I realized that I would not really understand anything about RVX or Zenith if it were not for Agoracom (thanks Kelsee - hope you are well), Stockhouse, IV, etc but really it is the posts on this board that educate me. 

Bottom line for me in 2019 is great science, unlike doing a PhD leading to an a dead end hypothesis, but leading to a strong future of development.

Merry Christmas and GLTA.




Dec 26, 2019 09:06AM
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