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Message: Re: the bid/asks haven't moved since the news came out...

Toinv ... I was very pleasantly suprised this morning also. But, I always thought BT was a very real possibility, due to safety plus some of the data, and the narrow statistical miss, along with SEVERE unmet needs.

I "think" Don had a stronger feeling about it also, hence the emergence of more "BT" talk after Nov 13. But, lessons have been learned over the years about appearing "greedy" or trying to publicly force the FDA's hand, or just simply counting your chickens before the judge hatches them. Very wise for Don to sand bag the optimism (even though his enthusiasm was apparent), when you are waiting for the judge to reconvene and render a verdict. Do NOT want to disrespect or offend the judge (FDA) with greed or protocol violations.

Very nice precedent for Europe and Asia as well! ... let's gooooo

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