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Message: Just a little bit more needed?

I'm looking at the chart, and contemplating the FDA Breakthrough Status news....and I'm thinking of skiing for some reason.  Its like we're at the bottom of the hill, making our way to the tow-rope.

Does anyone remember tow-ropes?  I'm not a good skier, haven't been down a hill in around 30 years....and I remember the first couple times I went skiing, I was horrible.  I'd go to make my way to that stupid tow-rope, and of course the snow as you got close was incredibly packed down, to the point that it was practically ice.

I'd make a big push and start gliding to that dang rope....and just as I was almost there, I'd come to a painfully slow stop, the rope just a foot or two away from my outstretched arm.   

That's what I'm thinking of when I look at the chart and contemplating the "almost there" move we made on Monday....so close to that rope that would carry us up to the top of the hill.  

MACD stands for Moving Average Convergence Divergence and is one of the most widely followed technical indicators....its defaulted on many charting sites like stockcharts.com   At stockcharts there's a fast moving black line and a slower moving red line.  The key move for MACD to provide a bullish signal is for both the black and red lines to move over 0.  

The black line has just barely nudged over 0, its at .009.....the first time its been over 0 since mid/late November.  The all important confirmation from the red line is just below zero at (-.007)....SO CLOSE.

I know not everyone follows TA, and even some that do, they don't think it has much bearing on RVX given the incredibly light trading.  In this case I see news/TA operating in tandem....Monday's news has gotten the chart to within a hair of a what would be a bullish signal.  

I'm thinking that any little push, a burst of wind....that RVX can grab hold of that rope.  I don't think it even has to be news, an analyst report chiming in and echoing the FDA news, anything at all really.

Here's hoping its coming and that is won't take too long.

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