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Message: eGFR.....

I'll share my understanding....I'm not saying this is in any way definitive of course, and I'll be looking for what others have to say.  

When it comes to CKD all I believe we know is how much MACE was reduced in this subgroup....but as yet we have not been told if 208 dosed patients showed an improvement in eGFR which if I understand it correctly is a pretty rock solid indication of how well the Kidneys are functioning, that is to say the higher the eGFR the heathier the Kidneys are.  

While reducing the incidence of MAC events in CKD patients is wonderful....I see improvement in actual Kidney function to be much more important.  Thinking of it like a boat with a leak in it.....does Apabetalone merely act as a pump taking the water out of the boat and keeping the boat afloat, or does it actually repair the leak itself.  

Watching for further comments...

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