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Message: Hepalink

Would assume manufacturing costs are "fully burdened" to include "ALL" overhead, plus a 10% profit. Yeah, probably some "fat" which is good for Hepa, but probably along rigid accounting standards so the "fat" is good/acceptable fat. But bottom line, it gives RVX both a manufacturer and a distributor for Asia, and a "potential" manufacturer worldwide, for options and leverage for deal making or other types of distribution options if RVX never comes to like the evolving BP talks now and down the road. 

Surely though, in a world where RVX is "potentially" going it alone (wink wink?), RVX will want multiple manufacturing capabilities and sites in multiple parts of the world (storms, earthquakes, tsunami, war, regime change, virus, terrorism, electromagnetic/data issues) ... and obviously, those manufacturing capabilities would likely be tied to distribution capabilities as well, theoretically, and probably with whatever "partner" steps up for further development (surely those are global discussion points of "evolutionary" type deals being discussed?). 

Good to have a credible "go it alone" type (back up) plan, like above, as well as Naz painted into the future ... for evolving discussions and negotiating. 

I prefer a straight buy out if we can get an acceptable number, but these are the things you do to get to a buy out when you want a BIG number while still in development with sales revenues and ebitda ... and they are not things that you routinely and continually update investors and the public about ... gotta believe we will have a much better picture within the next month or two, certainly in H1? We should see which directions we are progressing and advancing with sometime soon, now that we have BT status and the "show" M-U-S-T move forward soon "somehow" ... in one manner or another??

jmho's though of course

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