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Message: so what happens if dm fumbles the ball??

A lot more happening, Apabetalone is one many many drugs in current COVID19 test.  Used as companion drug that inhibits ACE2 receptor.  Type2 diabetics have problem with ACE2 receptors, too many. The corona virus uses ACE2 to invade cell. Our local paper had article that type2 patients were 10 times more likely to die from COVID19.

If test shows positive results, we hit the big time.  Appears that millions of type2 would begin taking rvx just for prevention.  Maybe too late once patient tests positive, does take time for rvx to work.  Believe rvx use for prevention would be best served.

What does that mean, at least 10M patients may begin taking rvx.  There are 30M type2 in US alone.  The number could be double that worldwide.

Lets hope the test is positive, for more than one reason.


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