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Message: SF

Agree for the most part. But for now, I am taking Don at his word that a deal is immiment. Personally, I think it would be a huge mistake to dump Don at this point, unless there is a VERY orderly, logical, and highly collaborative transition. If nothing happens by EOY (as "promised"), or shortly into 2021 ... the deal with BP is imperative though, so there must be progress in short order, or a "real" back up plan in place for progress. Peter Priniciple in play: Don has probably reached his ceiling and capacity as the "visionary" CEO, and it would be good to see a more operational type CEO in place, preferably from (or with the blessing) of the partnering BP. 

My over arching point, is that the company is well positioned for take over, and BP partnering has been all but promised by EOY ... Don has been pretty direct about next steps, and now timeline as well. Can't imagine abruptly cutting off the head of the company at this juncture, pending results of the stated progress and timeline, unless there is absolute chaos occurring inside the Calgary walls, or it is a demand of partnering BP. JMHO though.

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