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Message: Share price, why we stay

When this awakening does finally happen then the share price will not only move into double digit territory it will do so violently,

Golf posted reply to Stevero.  Thoughts...

When partnership is announced both RVX and BP will provide statements.  Best announcement (value) comes from BP.  Their message will drive RVX share price, at first it may bring price to $4-7US.  The climb will be slow over BoM2 course.  The BP partnership will dilute RVX potential share price given most SP is result of profit.  Partner will be asking for 50% share.  We receive 50% and cash to live another day.  We already know the results.  Waiting period continues, hopefully not three years.  With 30M Type 2 in US alone and 1M added annually, I am willing to wait, not happy, but willing. Prospects, guess about 8M on ABL in US, add another 10M worldwide (not at first), we take 50% of partnership profit.  Large.  Based on 2015(?) AGM, DM showed survey given to insurance companies.  Average annual insurance reimbursement to retail was $4,300 per patient.   Gross sales about $85B with copays.  Wholesale price $30B, less cost to manufacture, distribution and overhead, my guess annual net income to partnership about $10B.  Manufacturing costs of oral drug inexpensive compared to injection.

Where does that leave RVX, $5B received annually less overhead, research for products on shelf, and income tax, balance to shareholders, dividend of 2 to 3B.  With 2B to shareholders SP should be 20 times share dividend.  All depends on how many prescriptions are issued.

Could be all wrong, been there done that!  Looking at why we stay.

Comments always welcome, even bad ones.  stay safe. sidebar 

18M patients, annual consumption 13.140B doses.  The numbers are staggering.


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