...We Welcome You To The Resverlogix HUB withIn The AGORACOM COMMUNITY!

Message: AGM

In the Notice of Meeting, they make it clear that we are not welcome. Italicized quotes below from that Notice with bolding added by me for the key phrase. Albertaclipper, I agree with your approximate time frame for which meeting but I can only state positively that it wasn't either of the last two. The only AGM I have missed in a very long time was two years ago. The question was very simple and reasonable but just one he didn't want to answer. DM alluded to him disrupting the previous meeting but as I stated, I was at those and never saw any of the meetings disrupted as DM claimed. A question he doesn't like to or can't answer seems to be a disruption to DM. I was very disappointed in his tact, very much like our current politicians!

"Although the Corporation intends to hold its Meeting in person, in view of the current and rapidly evolving COVID-19 outbreak, the Corporation will follow the instructions of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) (www.canada.ca/en/public-health.html) and Alberta Health Services (www.albertahealthservices.ca) and be limiting the number of attendees.

The meeting venue will only safely accommodate a very limited number of attendees. In order to mitigate potential risks to the health and safety of the Corporation’s shareholders, employees, communities and other stakeholders, access to the Meeting will be limited to only essential personnel, registered shareholders and proxyholders entitled to attend the Meeting. The Corporation strongly urges shareholders and other stakeholders not to attend the Meeting in person."

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