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Message: Shake it Up!

I don't have shares in Zenith but overall agree with Wideout's assessment of how the RVX AGM went, more specifically the management presentation.  It would have been naive to expect that DM would make an announcement on a partnering deal so that's no surprise.  Nevertheless I was left with a pretty comfortable feeling that, one way or another, BoM2 will get off the ground and achieve the intended result medically and then by extension financially.  For me, it's certainly worth staying in the game for another 24 months or so.

I also agree with CCD about the Saudi investment.  These guys are no slouches when it comes to business and I speak from extensive experience on that front.  He's done extensive due diligence and if after all that he is happy to put up $10M US at this stage then I'm good to hang in there as well.  Plus he has warrants that are only good for 9 months.  Interesting.

There are many on this board who are fed up with DM.  However, the reality is that all strategies and major decisions are made in consultation with the major shareholders.  He's not a one man show.  Anyway, I for one would be happy to read fewer if any DM bashing posts.  It's getting old and tiresome and adds no value to a good discussion....imo.  Really boring.

Don has indicated or seemingly suggested several times that multiple major players are in fact 'courting' RVX and that RVX is 'vetting' them.  He even went so far as to say that this included some manufacturers of SGLT2s.  Again, I fail to see how these are not good things.

If you compare RVX to other some hotshot biotech's that have laid golden eggs in a much shorter timeframe then for sure you'll be disappointed and wonder why you're in this at all.  But that doesn't mean it won't happen for RVX too.  Maybe in 12-18 months people will say jeez, a year ago I could've bought this $30 stock for 0.90 cents a share!  How do people find these great deals??  

At this (late) stage, what side of that discussion would you rather be on?





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