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Message: Re: Forward looking statements...
Feb 05, 2021 08:22AM
Feb 05, 2021 09:59AM
Feb 05, 2021 10:33AM

KOO - I really don't think a firm offer for that large trial was put forth and turned down. Yes, Pharma has put forth where they might wish to go but I feel that if an offer that large had been put forth, we would have some sort of partnership by now. We have supposedly been at the cusp of a deal for so long without it happening, I don't feel actual good offers like that have come forth. They are probably leading him where they want to go but with no firm offer (like he promised for a month ago) he has put forth all that he has. I think if they had given a firm offer for the longer trial to be paid by them with a decent upfront payment, he wouldn't have considered 5 years too long. The pressure would have been off and the dilution would have slowed down a lot and what was needed to be raised would have been at much less dilutive values. 

Feb 05, 2021 11:31AM
Feb 05, 2021 12:10PM
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