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Message: Finance

Generals take on SH a few days ago -  starts off by quoting Don.


"We’re filing almost immediately within the next week or so for this program to commence."

your DIRECT words, not mine!  its been 2 weeks to the day for the most recent delayed update-that-wasnt-an-update.

here it is again:  "We’re filing almost immediately within the next week or so for this program to commence."

you can verify that here: thanks to imtesty https://agoracom.com/ir/Resverlogix/forums/discussion/topics/755229-rough-transcript-rvx-confernce-call-02-04-2021/messages/2303371#message

ALMOST IMMEDIATELY....  2+ weeks and counting, and i'll bet anything to anyone that we wont hear about this tomorrow, so we're into week 3, next week at the earliest...  IMMEDIATELY = earliest!?!?

"almost immediately" seems to mean about as much as my other favourite nuggets: 

"soon", or
"we don't have the horsepower to go it alone", or
"oh, but we do....", or
"by the end of the year"

howzabout we delay your 166k/mo or 2M a year until such time as you can actually do something on time?  in my line of work you'd have been shown the freakin door so fast it would make ur head spin.. for you cavalier attitudes, lack of production, missing the mark, u name it.....

. . . is with this company that cant do anything according to their own published timeframes?!?

mr forward lookin liar liar pants on fire..

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