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Message: Question

Things seem very strange at RVX. Nothing unusual in terms of missed dates and not keeping promises. We are all used to the unmet timelines.

I'm baffled and as wideout pointed out that's not a surprise because he feels "I'm not too bright". True. I agree.

What baffles me is this. RVX is the leading edge epigenetic company in the world in CVD with an 8 year lead. Very promising research on apabetalone is being published by independent researchers and the body of work is increasing. RVX has attracted very highly respected research teams. Yet Don (and I guess others) elected not to fund the futility analysis which probably would have saved years and got this drug to market much sooner. As Narmac pointed out the share price is considered overpriced even at it's current level by Morningstar.

So why does the BOD still support Don and reward him so handsomely? I would urge everyone to go to the RVX website and read the CVs of the people on the board. This is a light weight board and does not have skill sets required to build shareholder value. This is a board easily controlled by Don.

It strikes me that Don has been struggling for about 3 years to keep the ship afloat when there are billions of biotech investment dollars rapidly being deployed to many R&D biotechs.

Why didn't Eastern or Hepalink jump in immediately to fund the futility analysis? They are insiders. It should be a no brainer.

Why aren't they jumping in to fund BoM2? Perhaps they are. Why do they need the  Shieks money?

Final question. Who would benefit most by RVX/Don's failure and pick up the pieces cheaply?

Just rambling. I better turn my mind to something more constructive.


Toinv      :)  Went will the bunny appear?

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