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Message: Todays presentation

Your a funny guy narmac. You whine and yelp about everything whether it's good or bad. You say you own shares and warrants that are under water but yet bash anything and everything that comes out which negatively affects your own position. The company is now working hard to attract new investors to bring the value of the shares that you own up to what they should be trading for yet you continually undermine the efforts to bring you value.

'I understand your frustration, I'm in the same boat but you don't need to continually poke holes in this thing that is floating and may be on the way to being in the race.

Management can change and likely will at some point. Maybe that elusive partner will one day show up and the partnership turns into a sale. Yes I know and pigs will fly too right. The point is if you continually undermine the efforts to bring you value then the only one you should be bi#&hing about is you.

Let the company bring you the value you need to get out and move on. This is very unhealthy for you. Not your bank account, you.


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