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Message: Not good for the potential of apabetalone as a Covid-19 therapy

imtesty ... that is what I am thinking/wondering also now re Covid patients and the recent disclosures about not wanting to interfere with the initial inflammatory response - when to dose potentially?

The long term potential for limiting and potentially reversing damage may still be a "thing" ... but as cityslickers pointed out to me, catching the Covid infection early and applying ABL has the potential to slow the replication and possibly lessen severity (my words on that last part)? ... and which is better or worse at that early stage? ... limiting the Covid severity and intiating the cytokine storm suppression or the inflammation response for fighting the disease and lung impact? ... I guess the study will provide answers to those questions to an extent, if it ever occurs?

Longer term thinking, assuming "someday" we perform a successful BoM2, and are approved for diabetic cardio/renal ... as those patients are VERY sick and VERY vulnerable to the ill effects of Covid ... that specific patient population may enjoy the ABL benefit of ACE2 inhibition prophylactally? That would seem to be a huge deal (potentially) for that vulnerable population in an ongoing mutating Covid world, in addition to however ABL assists with their primary indication. 

Not a science guy so correct me where I am mistaken, with the above assimilations and assumptions?

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