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Message: Re: CBC Radio News Interview with Dr. Sweeney

As a Physician Assistant in an ICU I have seen the misery first hand caused by Covid. There are still many questions regarding the best treatment for patients that have progressed to ARDS, long after the viral load has cleared and are no longer infective. These patients that survive weeks on a ventilator, recovered from multi-organ failure, usually end up with a tracheostomy and feeding tube. Their lungs are fibrotic and very stiff, likely destined to a life of support, never the same again. A great majority of these folks have chronic illnesses (obesity, diabetes, hypertension, CKD, COPD, etc) which put them at higher risk for deleteious sequelae. These people are chronically inflammed. 

To mitigate the effects of the "body turning on it self" is the Ace In The Hole for RVX. Lots off unknowns. If the years of encourging In Vitro evidence translate simiarly In Vivo, not only will those who have remained patient be financially rewarded, but to humanity in the never ending quest to lessen human suffering. 

My ICU has just come off "crisis care" management. Triaging rersources to those likely to survive in the face of a critical nursing shortage, is something I never want to experience again.

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