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Message: Re: Not out of the woods yet with COVID-19

I agree Buckeyes, the timing for RVX once again seems off as far as the current state of Covid goes. That being said, if what we were told about Eversana's long term financial expectations was true then with a successful trial lots of doors should open. I have read quite a bit about epidemiologists' expectations regarding more virulent variants down the road and it seems most feel that it is a question of when, not if the world experiences another serious variant. With Pfizer's therapeutic having a number of potentially bad drug interactions with drugs that are used by many people most at risk there would seem to be huge long term opportunity for Apabetalone given it is already targeting many of those most at risk. Additionally, the numbers of most of these at risk populations are projected to grow significantly.

If Apabetalone shows really strong results in minimizing the most dangerous effects of covid we could find that some forward thinking governments might begin stock piling Apabetalone as that would be infinitely less expensive than the costs of shut downs and health care system overloads. I imagine (JMO) this is what Eversana is thinking with respect to their financial expectations (fees of $.25B USD over 10 years, as reported by Don).

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