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Message: https://themarkether...

Best wishes to you regarding your health. I also need apabetalone because it raises functional HDL (ApoA-l - proven) and for it's anti-inflammatory benefits.

Prior to the end of BoM I strongly urged my son and son-in-law to buy RVX shares. I also told them to keep a reserve fund to hedge in the event that BoM failed, which they did, thanks heavens. I'm somewhat ashamed that I did this and I cannot talk about RVX when I'm around family.

One thing that has always stuck in my head was at the press conderence announcing the failure of BoM Don seemed completely unphased by the failure. I was shocked and I'm still trying to understand why he didn't seem to care.

I've spoken to 5 of my doctors as well as a doctor friend about RVX and apabetelone and I gave them typed summaries of RVX's achievements. None of them had heard of RVX. When I tried to discuss apabetalone they just rolled their eyes. (their loss in my opinion) I don't have any credibility with my doctors as I am not a scientist or doctor.

RVX's failure to build brand equity, hence shareholder value, leaves them without the ability to raise funds in the stock market. This is a significant disadvantage and leaves them in a weak position when I comes to negotiations.

I hope that Eversana takes up the challenge of building RVX's brand equity by developing a compelling brand positioning strategy and that they take full control of managing the RVX brand personality and imagery. Eversana seems like a very progressive agency with strong leadreship and many talented people. Eversana must take firm control of the brand personality and manage it at EPOC.

Something good has to happen soon because there is an intellectual property deadline looming.

Good luck carman2 and stay long. We'll get there. I know what you are saying about Dr Wong. I've felt the same about Dr Wong and the other scientists. The scientists and mathematicians that I know tend to be introverted. They are not too interested in how the money flows in just as long as the cash flow is sufficient to fund their research.

Stay long. I have no doubt that apabetalone will be a approved drug at some point in the future but I have no idea of who will bring it to market. I'm currently hedging by buying ZCC. Go figure, I must be crazy.



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