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Message: Re: " Resverlogix will conclude its Phase 2 trial in hospitalized COVID-19 patients early, thus focusing its resources on the advanced Phase 3 program."

"the chatter and speculation reactions occur."... more like continuing.

If they had something good to report on the PH2 open-Label that would have been the opening to the newcast this morning.

So meeting FDA in August 2022 for the CORAL Study Design can only mean that this "new" PH3, won't see the light of day until Q1 2023 if that. Not soon enough to stop the SPP from continuing its downward spiral.

The new CORAL Study Design PH3 seems to be moving away from the original PH3 (NCT04894266) with apabetalone's potential to act against COVID-19 with its unique dual mechanism preventing the viruses from entering cells and replicating and by everting inflammatory reactions.

They keep moving the goalposts!


IMO ... Koo

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