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Message: Where's the kool aid gang?

Mr. "exciting times ahead" wideout??etc etc etc ​& all who didn't like the sarcasm/negativity towards little don?? 

​Ahhh so much negativity "give him a couple more months" & so on & so on..... that was more pathetic than those of us who were pointing out the obvious bs/LIES on his part that were happening over & over again!
He should be booed off the AGM stage!! I doubt they will allow a live audience or any unfiltered questions. If it's a live audience I would expect metal detectors at the front door & little donny perched up in a Pope-like protected bubble. 
Not sure how he could even look investors in the eye anymore & then think about opening his mouth & continuing on in the same fashion with another round of his BS.
Mind you, it appears it's the one thing he does do well. Maybe this is where his terms "very excited" & "hardwork" come from??? 
10 million & counting? I'd bet they never even filled half that trial so 50 maybe.. but let's say they got to a hundred - it cost them 100K/patient????? & they had to stop it early & now wait several months for a meeting & then maybe... then a possible "if" & or "but"...?????????????????  
How did he even justify going down this rabbit hole KNOWING FULL WELL what the COST would be INSTEAD of getting on with BOM a year or more ago?? 
I'd be just as happy to hear he's been tossed out/replaced as i would be with a bom 2 funding NR, seriously. it is just so odd how it appears he's been sabotaging his own company??? & why oh why does he have to tell us all these tall tales all the time?? What is with that? It's a serious issue & the company's in-house doctors really should ask him to consider being evaluated. 
 don blew it & the market now knows he's phonier than a rubber crutch - actually they've know this for sometime now imo 
I guess a fella better hang on to the o'l yoga mat, zone out, get grounded & find that peaceful place as it does not appear it's going to be showing here anytime soon imo.
Love to be wrong & get bought out for $1-$2 bucks within the next 30-60 days 
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