...We Welcome You To The Resverlogix HUB withIn The AGORACOM COMMUNITY!

Message: Sent to Sarah,

Comments welcome, would like to send directly to DM, address needed



It is amazing what Resverlogix developed and the many other compounds waiting for funding.  Apabetalone has proven effective and safe by scientific research, testing and results released through publications.  The current value of the company should be off the charts.


The value of a company is not solely based on its assets, it also includes positive cash flow.  Currently there is no operating cash flow and the future is looking very dim.


For 21 years Resverlogix has used its common stock, warrants and loans to raise funds.  At this time, Resverlogix stock price will not raise sufficient funds to reduce current liabilities and begin another Phase III test or an extended COVID 19 test.


There is a way to immediately increase the stock price.  The Board approves the search for a suitable buyer.  This does not mean the company must be sold, but is for sale under the right conditions.  By announcing this Board action at the upcoming AGM will provide immediate additional value to the share price and may attract many legitimate inquiries.  This is the best method to bring Apabetalone to the public in the most expedient way.  Also, those shorting stock will need to cover quickly and bring more public attention to the company.


This action may require an unscheduled Board meeting.  It can be accomplished.  The value to the Company and all concerned is beneficial.


At first Mr. McCaffrey may discount this idea.  Time is not on the side of Resverlogix.  In another year and a few discouraged creditors, bankruptcy or a significant dilution to the current company value will most likely take place.  Neither option is good.


Mr. McCaffrey should be proud of his accomplishments.  It appears it is time for larger company to bring Apabetalone to the public.


Thank you,

XXX, stockholder since 2009 with significant shares

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