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Message: Level 2 Quotes this morning

Share price will only move with good news from FDA or BP.  Likely hood?

With another round of financing, stock continues to decline.  Just more dilution.  How low can SP go before removal from public trading?  Wondering what the big three shareholders are thinking?  BOM2 takes 200-400 million.  What does RVX pay for those funds?  Waiting just runs the clock on the patient.   We have been told, “looking for a partner”.  BP will want to run the company.  Appears DM will not allow that.

ABL, with all its successes, should be on the market now.  Why did management include the additional parts in P3?  Stroke!  Hindsight, only include favorable known outcomes, increase HDL and reduce Type II.  SP has been a function of mismanagement.  More promises, less positive SP results, more dilution and disillusion.  Hopefully science will prevail.  Science has kept us here, has not changed share price.

The big three have the ability to change management.  And management, how could a company agree to a contract with specific future costs with no product, no future revenue insight.  Ten Million, what were they thinking?  Bet on the future, that is with the shareholder not management.  Where is the BOD?  Total change is necessary!


Share price runs on revenue, net income, now a company sale!  Sidebar.


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