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Message: early report imo

he hasn't changed a bit , more excuses & bs than ive ever heard from him all wrapped into one presentation - i gotta turn him off - pathetic.How many people were in the room - 3-4?? sad at best, poor donny whining away.Maybe get a go a head in August, maybe?? - not going to do any big dollar deal/funding at this level & eversana working away on god knows what , racking up their tab, there making out like bandits.If Dons ``hopeful of something by fall"  "planning etc handled smoothly" done a ton of work" not you donny.now rv cost is 40mil for bom 2 - ready to go tho.You never explained frick all u buffoon! Enjoy your "favorite restaurant" wow , hard on your head it was, eh - please - yep your full of "smart moves" all right-  just stop already please..& stop bringing up Donald trump clown.

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