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Message: More insider buying

I haven't had a lot of good things to say about Don but I'm happy to see him buying & in a significant way imo. I believe Don has or did quite well with his Brothers energy company,heck he could probably pay rv's portion of BOM 2, not expecting that but he could do a decent chunk of it(10% or larger) would be an even more fantastic sign.

This imo is a much stronger signal than any of the words he has said thus far. He's not getting across with all the excitement & hard work talk so putting his money/cash up to match his talk/emotion is as refreshing as its been in quite awhile IMO.

On the flip side, it appears they're not in any sort of Blackout period so they shouldn't be sitting on anything material right now??Now sure how loose or tight the rules are.Id be disappointed if right now we knew everything they know so still concerned on that front. If there are high level talks etc etc going on can rv insiders still be buying?? free run until something is on paper/signed , how's that work?

Anyway it's the first time in a long time that I'm toying with the idea of picking up more in this sub .30 range.


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