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Message: Re: Type C meeting with the FDA is scheduled for August -IR response


This is great news, maybe. type c? meetings.  means a and b do not apply.  C is for catch all.

Here is FDA info:  Since the passage of the original Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) in 1992, the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries have helped to fund the operations of FDA through payments of so-called "user fees." 

User fees, wonder how DM will finance this? I want 208 to work but what is RVX requesting?  FDA will only listen to a request.  So what? How to proceed, request FDA to cut corners.  That would be a joke.  RVX is out of funds, debts increase every month with Eversana and limited operations.  No revenue is sight.  No hope in sight.  Or DM has a very deep secret and he just purchased 400k of shares, oh my!!!!  We have been mislead from the beginning (not in science) only in forward statements.  Can we trust DM now to bring 208 to the market? sidebar - will go down with the ship.


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