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Message: Re: Kausik Ray tweeted this this morning

fouremm, sure it always nice to keep Resverlogix relavent. Not to be negative, the unfortunate part of many similar articles that come out concerning BOM post hoc analysis end up with conclusions such as this. 

"The primary clinical outcome of the BETonMACE trial did not attain statistical significance, so any inference of efficacy in a subgroup must be viewed as exploratory. Notwithstanding these limitations, the CVD reduction observed in the FS+ category is consistent with apabetalone's BET-inhibition mode of action. A prospective, placebo-controlled evaluation of hepatic and CV effects of apabetalone in patients with NAFLD is warranted." (bolding added)

That is more evaluation is warranted. How many times have we heard this about post hoc analysis of BOM concerning apabetalone?

What we need to hear is that tons of money is now available to pursue clinical trials to prove that apabatelone does have health benefits by reaching a clinical trial designed endpoint for whatever ailment (and there are many) will be pursued. Time is running out for Resverlogix to prove this once and for all.


IMO ... Koo

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