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Message: Re: No news, did you expect a change
Sep 20, 2022 10:36PM

aacchhh,,,,,,looks like RVX has been shoved to the back burner for the 3rd quarter and probably the 4th. Dr. Wong leaving/retiring should be understood as a shot over the bow for all, unless it was for health reasons. 

Our fearless and somewhat phsyco CEO may only have eyes for ZEN these days,,as the same characters in general are responsible for that show as well,,,,so maybe thats why we see zero urgency around RVX, which is not unheard of from our team. Makes one wonder if RVX might be spoken for and actually going to the auction block and marketed like one of the 3 little pigs,,,,!!

Time will tell all,,,,,,my blood pressure is actually down since I havent heard "we are very excited"  on youtube or any other media!!,,,thinking back when he was pushing the idea we would have access to apabetalone by now thru the compassinate use clause for C19,,,,good grief!!

I used to wake thru the night with the sweats and sit up in bed after having that dreaded nightmare where he gets to the podium and tells his audience about all the excitement in Calgary!!!,,that seems to be past history,,,hopefully,,so there are pluses to be had here!! 


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