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Message: Resverlogix Announces a Favorable Outlook Based on New Cardiovascular Disease Treatment Guidelines for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Agree completely.

In the Feb 4th, 2021 update (post start of Covid) Don presented 2 BoM2 scenarios. One claimed "Details Options Presented by and Discussed with Major Pharmas" (not sure I believe this claim). The other claimed "Planning details between Resverlogix and various partners".

In the 1st scenatio we saw a trial of 10,000 patients with enrollment starting in 2022, intermim analysis in 2024 and completion in 2025.

  • In my opinion given the improved patient targetting, the large sample size (statistical power) and the fact that BoM was statistically significant at P=0.06% (not the necessary p=0.05 i.e.near miss) the interim analysis could have yielded a significant result and hence NDA in 2024.

In the 2nd scenario patient enrollment would start in H2 2021 with interim analysis in 2022 and trial completion in 2023.

  • It is difficult to guess if the interim analysis in 2022 would yield statistical significance because the sample size would only be 3,600 patients, hence, less statistical power. However, with more precise patient targetting the gap between contol and test patients might have been large enough for significance.

So now we are seeing that BoM2 may start in 2024. What can anyone say other than realizing Don is never to be trusted in any aspect of his or his team's decision making.

Teaming up with a major BP could generate some shareholder value. A CVR with favourable terms would be a huge boost but I think the chance are near zero that this team will ever cut a significant deal.

Wish I felt some hope but I really have to look at the way shareholders have been treated for the 13 or 14 years I've been involved.

I remain long because of the science. Not even a donkey should be able to screw this up given all of the wonderful scientific results that get published by the RVX science people and independent research.







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