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Message: Re: Wonder what the big investors think currently

WRT board representation we have;

  1. Shawn Lu (Hepa) whose back ground looks like retail banking at BMO and TD. My sense is that Hepalink has him there as a fly on the wall to keep an eye on things rather than playing a role as an investment advisor.
  2. Dicky To (ORI) had 10 years at Arthur Anderson (we know what happend to them   :)  ) so seems to have more of an accounting orientation than investment banker experience.

Don is chairman of the board, president and CEO of both companies. He owns roughly 7.6 million shares which was about 2.9% back in June 2023. Don holds all of the power positions at RVX and ZCC.

So Don has chosen a light weight board of directors (people that cannot challenge or help him) and a weak management team. Why has he chosen to do this when gems like both ot these companys could attract top talen to both the BOD and them business side of the management team.

Don could easily be sitting on a pot of gold in his bank account right now but he seems to chose not to. 

I have no explanation other than the Peter Principle or insecurity?

GLTA...it's going to be a long wait if history repeats itself.


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