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Message: Re: Happy New Years
Dec 29, 2023 02:14PM
Dec 29, 2023 02:40PM
Dec 30, 2023 05:35PM

Happy New Year to you narmac and to other posters, readers and investors.

There were lots of thought provoking posts in December and it got me thinking about my assumptions.

  1. Perhaps I'm wrong and that, in fact, Don and the management team are highly competent.
  2. BoM achieved a significance level of p=0.06 (not the required minimum level of p=0.05). The scientists, independent reviewing board and the RVX management teams decided to not do the futility analysis. I had always assumed this was an economic decision because all of RVX's experiments are underfunded because of weak financing. However, perhaps I was wrong and the reason RVX did not do the futility analysis is because it indicated that BoM would fail even with larger sample sizes given the study's parameters.
  3. I've always assumed the BET inhibition science showed great hope. The wonderful posts by BDAZ and independent scientific research on apabetalone seemed to show great hope but no break throughs in many indications. Perhaps apabetalone is one of those things that generates great scientific curiosity but in the end has no clinical future...like when they used to say a glass of red wine is good for the heart.
  4. So if it is assumed that Don and his management team are highly competent they probably would have pitched business ideas to all interested parties including the all of the major BPs. At ZCC we see that Dr Lakhotia has created many relationships with the major BPs and yet there are no relationships at RVX in spite of best efforts by Don and his team. This suggests weakness in the science of apabetalone.
  5. RVX feedback to members of this board had stated that these deals are extremely tough and time consuming. This lack of success, in spite of intense business effort, supports the idea that apabetalone may just be a scientific bit of fun with zero commercial value as a serious medical contributor.

As to the future I was trying to find a quote that I believe is attributable to Einstein or one of the other brilliant innovators but can't find it so I'll paraphrase. The idea is that when one is possed with a new problem, like the fact that the speed of light is a constant so what happens when an object approaches the speed of light? Can it actually hit the speed of light? What happens to it's mass? These problems could not be solved through the lens of Newtonian physics. These problems required a completely new way of looking at the problem.

I have absolutely no idea of what is happening or will happen at RVX but I'm certain it requies a new way of thinking.

Best wishes, good health, peace and Happy New Year to all.







Dec 31, 2023 08:05PM
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