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Message: Happy New Years

Season greetings to all. Even since we havent retired off these epigenetic investments, yet, I have refused to spend time snooping Resverlogix cuz it generaly increases my blood pressure beyond safe levels if I hear or see DonM in any form.

I was wondering what we could expect from our fearless management team in the form of a white or black swan event? Any sort fo time thought?,,Not that anything he ( is that the correct pronoun?,,I have a few but I wont put them in print) could say which would be truthful or taken as such in any context! And what is our team doing recently in the past years, really?,,,,moonlighting at the nearest Tim Horton's possibly?

And all these shelved molucules vibrating fervently to be released and not even a hummm can be heard for the past 20 years! How pitiful can it all be? Give them away Resverlogix,,,have some humanity!!,,,thats if any of them actually are of any value to man/womankind!

So,,what might be some possibilites? Are we waiting on ZENE to spit out some cash on a buy out of 3694 for certain indications?,,,will that happen in the next few years or is DonM going to make a big deal elsewhere?,,or will we fail to create any value anywhere at anytime in the near term as usual?

All comments appreciated,,I will asusme no one knows any more than we all did 5 years ago! Is that a fair statement to make?,,,,anyway,,,stay safe and well in 2024!!

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