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Message: Re: Little confused, any insight would be great

Month after month here, we see more shares traded downward due to the complete lack of interest in this company! Who is responsible for the lack of interest?,,,Who should agressively seek and create liquidity in the market for these shares? Why is all stagnated to the point where our market cap is at 1/20th of our tax loss benefit in a buyout? is it all the markets fault?,,C19 perhaps?

New blood needs to be at the helm of this company,,people who respect, understand and can create shareholder value!!! We just cant keep going with the present team!!,,they have proven to be lackluster and incompetent,,,Move in a complete new board of directors by vote,,and not by nepotism!!!!!

Shareholders need to continue to be involved and make noise so that known issues which we all share are front row centre!!

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