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Message: Saturday musings

Ever since the Hepa fella stepped down & someone mentioned that maybe Don would pay off the Hepa loan to save the IP etc it got me thinking lol 

First i thought ya , that helps but there's no way Don would do that unless 1) he knows no money is on route & he must save the IP but then you have to ask yourself why would he pony up that kinda of money if he knows no backing is on route or in site ,the future still looking stagnant for years to come & add in our pathetic performance thus far?

I say not a chance the above will happen.


2) he knows back up is on its way but then u ask , well why pay it off then , moneys on the way, no worries? So again ,why, can't see this happening either?

How would he gain, why would he do this ,what if: 

3) he pays it off & he ends up with the same sort of protection/power Hepa has, control of the entire rvx IP. Now in some bizarre but legal fashion of course he rolls back rvx 5~1 or maybe not all , he negotiates with himself the IP & all RVX shares back into Zenith for $$xx for himself & we with no choice, follow along?

We get on a normal market with our combined shares, now one share being worth $3- $5  but Donny has control, maybe not, not sure??

The one good thing imo - all of the hundreds of millions of dollars gathered from any deal(s) would all sit under one roof.More power, more choices , better team additions etc etc.

IMO this would also shine a huge spot light on us making us an even more tempting take out for big pharma & big dollars & we're all one big happy family again :) 

Unless we start to see some SP's & volumes moving soon, which would lead me to believe that maybe a zen deal is close allowing money flow into rvx - don't see that then i start to imagine what might be 

Saturday musings after a dry run around the golf course,looking good, won't be long now!!


Mar 16, 2024 07:51PM
Mar 21, 2024 02:05PM
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