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Message: although pathetic volume's

Zen down 33% - rvx down & sitting a 1/2 penny off its all time low today (100k shares -wooo p)

Rvxcf up a bit but ho hum .. market see's nothing , yet?

still believe if we don't see anything prior to the AGM people will react regardless of how frivolous their complaints are - ya it might not be good for us in the short term but possibly the long run ... ?who knows maybe somebody's complaint has merit to it & actions are taken by the governing body?

How could that be a bad thing if we find out there's been nefarious activities by this group? Better to keep quiet & just let it keep happening?

it feels like both our legs/feet have been "blown off" already so personally I wouldn't blame anybody for moving forward with their complaints should they have to sit through one more AGM listening to this guys BS should nothing come out prior.

We have been shown zero path(s) forward for years now so any talk/BS out of his mouth just won't cut it anymore imo.

News prior to the AGM or bust?

"for real" ?



May 21, 2024 07:10PM
May 25, 2024 07:43AM
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